Pmd File Opener Online

DOCX, Microsoft Word Open XML Document (.docx) DOCX is an advanced version of the DOC file format and is much more usable and accessible than the latter at any given time. PMD files are used by Adobe PageMaker 7.0 to create simple desktop publishing documents such as newsletters, mailing labels, envelopes, and catalogues. PageMaker development was stopped by Adobe in 2001, encouraging users to switch to InDesign. Top free free pmd file opener downloads. With so many file types used by an average person these days, owning a fully licensed collection of programs for all of them may be an expensive option that only few will be able to afford. The Lad File Opener is a program designed in VBasic made to open all sorts of files. EzyZip is a free online utility for extracting pmd files from a rar file. No need to install additional software as it runs in the browser. It supports a bunch of other file extraction and conversion options too. Unlike other online zip conversion utilities, ezyZip does not require you to upload or download files to a server.

*.pmd files:- pmd stands for Pagemaker Document (an old DTP software)


Most of old Office Documents are created with Adobe Pagemaker 7, one of the best publishing / DTP software available. It’s files are saved in *.pmd extensions. If you haven’t seen the app before, you can Download it from the link provided at the bottom of this post.

But it’s an old software from Adobe, also very costly when compared to other Office applications. So, what will you do if have no other choices? Here’s a small solution, that works for almost all pmd files: Use Microsoft Office!

Did you ever tried to open the pmd file in Microsoft Office Word ? Just give a try, it’ll work for almost all pmd files! I used Microsoft Office Word 2007, I’ll describe how to open a pmd file in Office Word…

  • Open Microsoft Office Word
  • Go to Office Menu and select Open
  • Then select Recover Text from Any File option from Files of type dropdown list
  • Then select your PMD file and press Open
  • You’re Done…!
Open pmd file or convertOnline

Pmd File Opener online, free

NOTE: You may get a lot of useless data mixed with your document, or could not read the content. If it happens, try to change the font and delete unwanted data since it will only before or after the document content. If you wan’t a live tutorial on this topic, then here’s the video tutorial that explains the steps which I described above:

Alternatively, You can use Adobe Pagemaker itself if you haven’t used it before. I don’t know whether it is available for purchase today, but you may download a free trial Adobe Pagemaker 7.0 from the following link:

Convert Pmd File To Pdf

Formats are supported

pdfPortable Document FormatwordMicrosoft Word Document
docMicrosoft Word DocumentdocxMicrosoft Office Open XML
xlsMicrosoft Excel Worksheet Sheet (97-2003)xlsxOffice Open XML Worksheet Sheet
pptMicrosoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XPpptxMicrosoft PowerPoint
jpgJoint Photographic Experts GrouptxtPlaintext Text File
pngPortable Network GraphichtmlHyperText Markup Language
rtfRich Text FormatodfODF Text Document
odpOpenDocument PresentationodsOpenDocument Spreadsheet
xpsXML Paper SpecificationcsvComma-Separated Values
xmlExtensible Markup LanguageepubElectronic Publication
azwKindle Format 8fb2FictionBook
mobiMobipocketswfSmall Web Format
bmpMicrosoft Windows bitmapgifGraphics Interchange Format
psAdobe PostScriptpsdAdobe Photoshop bitmap
tiffTagged Image File FormatoxpsOpen XML Paper Specification
wpsWPS OfficevcfElectronic business cards
msgOutlook email message formatemlEmail message format
pubMicrosoft PublisherpagesApple Pages
vsdMicrosoft Visio FormatmhtMIME Encapsulation of Aggregate HTML Documents
mppMicrosoft ProjectjsonJavaScript Object Notation
pmdAdobe PageMakerodgOpenDocument Graphics
keyApple Keynote FilenumbersApple Numbers file
wpdWordPerfect DocumentdjvuDJVU Ebook Format
cbzComic Book ArchivechmMicrosoft Compiled HTML Help
artPFS: 1st PublisherrawCamera raw image
ddsMicrosoft Direct Draw SurfacedibMicrosoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap
dpxSMPTE Digital Moving Picture Exchange 2.0 (SMPTE 268M-2003)emfMicrosoft Enhanced Metafile (32-bit)
epsAdobe Encapsulated PostScriptjxrJPEG extended range
svgScalable Vector GraphicstgaTruevision Targa image
tifTrueType font filewebpWeppy image format
xwdX Windows system window dumpdwgCAD Drawing
cdrCorelDraw File FormataiAdobe Illustrator Artwork
dxfDrawing Interchange FormatheifHigh Efficiency Image File Format
heicHigh Efficiency Image File FormaticoMicrosoft icon
curMicrosoft Cursor Icon